Rozpoczął się Synod poświęcony Rodzinie. Polecamy zaadoptowanie modlitewne jednego z Ojców Synodalnych. Wskazana dowolna modlitwa o działanie Ducha Świętego przez konkretnego wskazanego Biskupa. Modlitwa poprzez cały czas Synodu i trzy dni po jego zakończeniu, tj. do 28 października 2015.
Your personal prayer for a bishop (a participant of the synod) can make a difference for a good course and the outcome of the synod of bishops from 04. – 25.10.2015!
If you can answer the following questions with YES, then join in!
- Are you thankful for our pope and our bishops who faithfully live their pastorate and who, in responsibility before God, care for their believers, lead them, accompany them and protect them in this meaningful time?
- Are you longing for the participants of the synod to realize through the Holy Spirit what God’s answers are to the needs of our time, especially concerning marriage and family?
- Do you want to back a bishop / a participant of the synod personally through your prayer and intercession and support him in the coming weeks?